Written by our late former Prime Minister Mr. Necmettin Erbakan, the work tells the autobiography of the politician who left his mark on the course of the country.
Erbakan, who gave relatively more detailed accounts of his political years in the work, both explained his perspective on life and managed to convey the messages our religion gives to humanity to the readers from different perspectives.
In particular, his statements in line with the importance of faith and belief will be seen in the section of my quotations. However, Erbakan, who repeatedly stated that he wanted to live his politics and life according to Islam, also expressed his reaction many times due to the fact that the majority of the country could not live their religious beliefs. These reactions are not accepted by a significant part of society today and were considered quite radical statements at the time they were made and caused reactions. In particular, his statements that a country with a Muslim majority should be governed according to Islamic Law caused him to directly target the military tutelage of the period. Thus, his resignation was obtained as a result of the MGK decisions, which are today referred to as the Post-modern coup, on February 28, 1997.
In his work, Erbakan has put forward many arguments that there should be a state order according to religion, by presenting different perspectives rather than the bad aspects of Islam shown by a certain group of people in the country. Since these issues are exemplified especially in the quotations section, they will not be discussed here in addition. To summarize briefly, he has argued throughout his political life that when we apply our religion to state administration in a real sense, instead of the negative events shown and exemplified, it will reach much more contemporary levels.
However, it should be stated that perhaps the greatest legacy Erbakan left behind comes from the title of the book. The concept of the cause is still expressed by our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today as a National Visionist. The first leader to attribute real value to the cause was Erbakan, and as is known, although there was an unpleasant transfer of the flag between him and our President at first, it was later understood that both sides were on the same side.
Erbakan, who explains the current world order with the inner workings of the United States since its foundation, states that the current order can only be changed by abandoning the interest rate system. Today, the effects of this argument on every aspect of our lives are clearly felt.
In the work, the late Erbakan gave the last quote, the Australian example, to his reader in a clear manner so that the case and the basis of this belief could be understood in the best way. His magnificent example of how changes that seem impossible at first can come to life with the fluttering of a butterfly's wings and a collective belief also clearly reveals how much he has mastered our language and literary discourses.
In conclusion, the work should be considered as an important milestone in order to better understand the foundations of the cause that gave its name to the current politics of Erbakan and our current President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and to be able to progress on this path. For this reason, the work contains messages that should be read and thoroughly understood by all Turkish citizens, regardless of their political views.
All solids, liquids and gases in the world, every heated object expands and its density decreases. Every cooled object contracts and its density increases. There is only one exception to this, and that is water. Only water does not obey this rule. It is water that is +4 degrees from 100 degrees. Therefore, there is no water colder than +4 degrees at the bottom of rivers, lakes and seas. If the water at +4 degrees continues to cool and its temperature continues to decrease to +3 degrees, +2 degrees and +1 degrees, its volume begins to expand. Thus, since the weight of its unit volume decreases, it rises to the upper layers. When it reaches zero degrees, it reaches its largest volume and rises to the top of the water layer. Thus, the freezing of rivers, lakes and seas begins from the top, not the bottom. This seemingly ordinary and unnoticeable rule makes it possible for living beings living in water to live and reproduce as a divine mercy.
Subhanallah means, “ O Lord, you are free from all kinds of mistakes and shortcomings .” (Münezzeh: Clean)
Jihad means working with all our might and without expecting any worldly reward for the rule of God and for all humanity to attain peace and freedom.
“ Our cause is Islam. Our aim is to gain the approval of Allah. Our goal is to establish the rule of justice. Our desire is the happiness of all humanity. Our path is jihad. Our path is the method of persuasion. The salvation of humanity is only possible through Islam. Islam is the structure of Allah. Therefore, it is perfect and does not accept deficiency or excess. Not everyone is lucky enough to work for this cause. Whether you work day and night or just sit back and relax. You cannot advance the success of this rightful cause by a single day or delay it by a single day. The whole issue is how we will be tested in this honorable cause .”
The average weight of nerves in a 70-kilogram person is only 70 grams.
There are stages to accomplishing a job; belief, knowledge, plan, program, staff, follow-up and conclusion, that is, finalization. And conclusion. That is, to complete the job completely, to be sure of it.
If you believe, you are superior. Victory is surely for those who believe, and victory is near.
The Egyptian scholar Ptolemy said that the sun had to rotate around itself 260 times in order to return to the same place in space, in other words, to pass a year. In other words, he calculated a year as 260 days. However, Al-Battani showed that Ptolemy was wrong in his thinking and that a year was 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 22 seconds.
Those who study trigonometry and are relatively older know that in the past, instead of the words sine and cosine, the words ceyb and tamam-ı ceyb were used when studying trigonometry. In our high school textbooks written thirty years ago, these are called ceyb. The word ceyb is an Arabic word. For the first time, Muslim scholars during the time of Caliph Ma'mun used this word when measuring distance. The people of that time compared this length to a pocket and called it ceyb, which is our Turkish word for pocket.
Even the name of the science of algebra comes from an Islamic scholar named al-Jabir. Europeans call it al-Gebra (Algebra). Since they cannot bring themselves to say al-Jabir, they attribute it to al-Jabir's name by saying al-Gebra.
As a result of this symbolic working principle, the words “Annuit Coeptis” are written on the pyramid on the dollar. This means “ Victory has been achieved ”. The words “Novus Orda Seclorum” under the pyramid mean “ New World Order ”.
D-8 countries, consisting of Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Turkey and Nigeria, have emerged as a core structure with their geographical locations and representation.
While the "Just Economic Order" allows profit, which is a guiding and encouraging element of the economy based on right, it does not allow interest, which is a means of injustice and exploitation. It also takes free market competition and property rights as a basis, and gives place to their benefits, while protecting the economy and people from their harms by not allowing monopolisation.
As is known, in mathematics, a system is described with the basic principles that accept that system as true, in other words, with "axioms".
Years ago, a very large cyclone was detected in the south of Australia. This cyclone was moving north. It was feared that this huge cyclone would go to India and China and kill hundreds of thousands of people in the region. The cyclone was coming, filled with all kinds of energy. While everyone was expecting a great disaster, suddenly it turned towards the ocean at the last moment after passing Australia and going to India and China. The cyclone discharged all its energy into the ocean and humanity was saved from a great disaster. Meteorologists, physicists and chemists got mobilized. What they investigated was this: How did this enormous power, this huge cyclone change direction at the last moment? What happened that it turned towards the ocean when it was supposed to come from the north of Australia and wreak havoc in Asia? They started to investigate this. Finally, they unanimously determined the following: That exact date is the butterfly migration season in Australia. At the same time, millions of butterflies start flapping their wings for this migration. The wings of the butterflies come together in the air and create a tremendous energy. And this energy causes that hurricane to change direction.
Subject : The autobiography of the late Mr. Necmettin Erbakan, who left his mark on the course of our country, is discussed in the work.
Style: Although it is known that Erbakan was an engineer, it is seen that his witty temperament and effective eloquence are combined with words in a way that is quite suitable for the written language. In this respect, the work has managed to present the messages it wants to give to its reader with simple and clear expressions from beginning to end through extraordinary exemplification methods. Therefore, it should be stated that the work is also valuable in terms of literature.
Originality : The work will not be evaluated in this category due to its type.
Character : The work will not be evaluated in this category due to its type.
Fluency : When the issues expressed in the style section are taken into consideration, it is obvious that the work is written in a fluent language. However, when Erbakan's political life is considered, the reader may feel that more gripping memoirs should have been included.
General : In the evaluation made out of 10 according to the criteria stated above:
Subject: 8.5
Style: 8.5
Fluency: 7.5
The overall average of the work, which received 8.2 points, is 8.2 . Despite its genre, the work is one of the rare autobiographical books that passed the 8 threshold and definitely contains messages that should be examined.
(*) : All parts under the title My Quotations:
Author : Necmettin Erbakan
Publisher : MGV Publications
Edition : 3rd Edition – Ankara 2014
The photo used on the cover was used as a quote from the book.